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unani facts Unani System Of Medicine Activities In India Some Statistics India is the leading country in the world with the largest number of educational, research and health care institutions of Unani Medicine. Health Care Unani Medicine forms an integral part of the national health care delivery system. Some important statistics are as follows:
A large number of unregistered practitioners are dispersed all over the country who practice Unani Medicine on hereditary basis. Education India is the only country to have a comprehensive legislation for governing the education in Unani Medicine. The Central Council of Indian Medicine has been established by an Act of Parliament, Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970, to evolve uniform standards of education and regulate the practice. Number of Unani colleges in the country: 18 Two colleges having postgraduate departments (i) Ajmal Khan Tibbia College, Aligarh (U) Gout. Nizamiah Tibbi College, Hyderabad India is the only country to have postgraduate education in Unani Medicine. Almost all the colleges are affiliated to the universities. Annual admission capacity in undergraduate courses: 675 Annual admission capacity in postgraduate courses: 27 Recently a separate Faculty of Unani Medicine has been set up at Ajmal Khan Tibbia College, Aligarh. A National Institute of Unani Medicine has been set up at Bangalore. Research Central Council for Research in. Unani Medicine (CCRUM), established in the year 1979 as an autonomous organization under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is functioning to initiate, aid, conduct, develop and coordinate scientific research in Unani Medicine.
Recent Research Projects of CCRUM Clinical Research Scheme · Presently 19 diseases are under study and 46 Unani formulae are being clinically evaluated in these diseases. Those diseases have been selected for which the modem system of medicine has no lasting remedy to offer such as vitiligo, urolithiasis, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, liver disorders, diabetes mellitus etc. or the diseases of national priority such as malaria, filariasis, amoebiasis etc. Six Unani formulae were clinically evaluated on patients of vitiligo at Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Hyderabad which is a major center of the Council and is famous for the treatment of vitiligo. The result obtained ranged from 6289%. So far more than 18,000 cases of vitiligo not only from different parts of country but also from foreign countries have been treated at the Institute. Significant results have also been achieved in some other diseases, such as infective hepatitis (8085% response, duration of treatment 1021 days), malaria (7080% response, duration of treatment 310 days) etc. The significant point is that the drugs used in the treatment of these diseases are commonly found, are cheap and free from side effects. The mobile research program of the Council caters to the health needs of the common people and serves as a source of health care at places nearer to their door steps. Weaker sections of the society, especially Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes, are the main beneficiaries of this program. Under this program 91 villages in different parts of the country have been covered and a total of about six lakh cases of common ailments treated with Unani kit medicines. These medicines have been found to be very effective. During the epidemic of dysentery in West Bengal in 1983 and MIC gas leak tragedy in Bhopal in 1984 the Council s workers provided medical aid cum relief to the victims. Unani Herbal Research Program The program of herbal drug standardization is mainly concerned with the evolution of standards for single and compound Unani drugs of proven efficacy for their incorporation in the official Unani Pharmacopoeia of India. This work has been taken up by the Council for the first time in the history of Unani Medicine. So far 50 single and 208 compound Unani drugs have been standardized. This work has been published in the form of monographs. 1. A monograph entitled Standardization of singe drugs of Unani Medicine Part I based on standards for 50 single drugs. 2. Two volumes on physicochemical standards of Unani formulations, each covering 100 drugs. Literary Research Project Under this program the Council has published Urdu translation of some important rare manuscripts/ classical literature of Unani system of medicine from Arabic/Persian. These include Kitab al Abdal, Ainae Sarguzisht, Kulliyate Ibne Rushd, Kitabal Jame ii Mufradat (Vol. 1), Kihb at Taisir and Kitabul Umda fil Jarahat (Vol. 1). Edited Arabic text of Kulliyate Ibne Rushd has also been published. Survey of Medicinal Plants Project Survey of forest areas in the states of Andra Pradesh, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa. Rajasthan and Tama Nadu have been taken up for their medicinal flora. A good number of medicinal plants have been collected and preserved. Some important medicinal plants such as Aatrilal (Ammi majus) Gulnar Farsi (Punica granatum), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and Atifmoon vilayati (Cuscuta chinensisj which are still being largely imported have successfully been domesticated and cultivated. A Central Herb Garden & Museum is functioning at Lucknow for collection, preservation and display of genuine Unani medicinal plants for their exact identification and for providing authentic information on them. Efforts are being made to develop it into a major center. Information Centre Information Centre of the Council is engaged in consolidating the scattered literature on Unani system of medicine and allied sciences. The library attached to the center has a good collection of books and rare manuscripts on Unani system of medicine, their microfilms and photocopies. A quarterly Newsletter is also published by the center. The Council has published A Handbook of Common Remedies in Unani Medicine in seven languages ve. Arabic, English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and Punjabi. Its Oriya, Kannada and Gujarati versions are ready for publication. This handbook is also proposed to be published in other Indian languages. Herbal Manufacture Control The manufacture of Unani drugs is being regulated through Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940. The pharmacopoeia standards in respect of single and compound Unani drugs are being finalized. India is the only country to have a Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee in the Ministry of Health B Family Welfare which aims at preparing an official Unani Pharmacopoeia of India. This Committee has already published National Formulary of Unani Medicine Part 1, containing 440 Unani formulations. The second part is to follow soon.