Digestion Time Of Foods * 1 1/4 Hours 1 1/2 Hours lemon Irish moss 1 3/4 Hours 2 Hours blueberry sweet cherry grapefruit orange raisin coconut milk artichoke beet greens garlic potato tomato brown rice 2 1/4 Hours fig, fresh pear, fresh pineapple strawberry asparagus carrot cauliflower lettuce: cos, loose leaf, iceberg 2 1/2 Hours blackberry date fig, dried gooseberry peach, fresh almond dandelion greens leek mushroom okra lima bean white rice basmati rice Note: Foods beyond this
time should not 2 3/4 Hours apple, fresh apricot, fresh currant peach, dried plum watermelon chestnut coconut meat, fresh pecan pignolia beet summer squash wheat bran 3 Hours lime 3 1/4 Hours cranberry cantaloupe casaba melon honeydew melon olive oil pomegranate cashew nut coconut meat, dried celery cucumber onion sweet green pepper pumpkin radish rutabaga sweet potato turnip greens watercress snap bean peas, fresh peanut millet 3 1/2 Hours safflower oil sesame seed oil eggplant mustard greens peas, dried soybean oil rye 3 3/4 Hours persimmon quince red cabbage barley wheat 4 Hours Brussels sprouts horseradish turnip * Source: Ford Heritage, Composition and Facts about Foods (Mokelumne Hill, Calif.: HealthResearch). |