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Single & Compound
Botanicals Used
Therapeutic Actions
Weights & Measures















Therapeutic Action Of Botanicals

The actions of various herbs are given under the heading of "Properties" in the Unani Formulary section. The following list defines and explains the pharmacological terms used.

Property Therapeutic Action
Abortifacient Causes abortion
Alkali Stimulates alkali acid and checks alkaline secretions
Alterative Alters morbid conditions; furthers metabolism
Anaphrodisiac Lessens sexual appetite
Anesthetic Causes loss of sense of touch or feeling
Anodyne Relieves pain
Anthelmintic Kills or expels intestinal worms
Antiemetic Lessens nausea and vomiting
Antihydrotic Checks perspiration
Antilithic Prevents formation of urinary stones
Antiperiodic Prevents or modifies fevers
Antiphlogistic Reduces inflammation of membranes
Antiscorbutic Corrects scurvy
Antiseptic Prevents decay or putrefaction
Antispasmodic See stimulant
Antizymotic Arrests fermentation
Aperient Acts as gentle purgative
Aphrodisiac Stimulates sexual appetite
Aromatic See carminative
Astringent Contracts muscular fiber by irritation; arrests discharges
Bitter Increases tone of gastrointestinal tissue
Cardiac Depressant Lessens force and frequency of heart action
Cardiac Stimulant Slows and strengthens contractions of heart
Carminative Expels gases from stomach and intestines
Cathartic Hastens intestinal evacuations
Caustic See escharotic
Cephalic Acts on head
Cerebral Depressant See sedative
Cerebral Excitant See stimulant
Cholagogue Promotes discharge of bile
Ciliary Excitant Promotes bronchial mucus elimination
Cordial Acts as strong aromatic
Demulcent Soothes skin and membranes
Dental Anodyne Stems pain of caries
Deobstruent Removes obstructions
Diaphoretic Increases perspiration
Disinfectant Destroys infection
Diuretic Increases kidney secretions
Drastic Acts as violent purgative
Ecbolic Causes abortion
Emetic Causes vomiting
Emmenagogue Restores menstrual function
Emollient Softens and relaxes skin
Epispastic See vesicant
Errhine Increases nasal secretion
Escharotic Destroys tissue, skin
Expectorant Promotes mucus membrane secretions
Febrifuge See antiperiodics
Galactagogue Increases flow of breast milk
Germicide See parasiticide
Hemostatic See styptic
Hypnotic Causes sleep
Irritant Causes activity on skin surface
Lactagogue See galactagogue
Laxative See aperient
Lithotropic Dissolves urinary stones
Motor Depressant Lowers activity of motor functions and ultimately paralyzes
Motor Excitant Increases motor activities and reflex excitability
Mydriatic Dilates pupil
Myotic Contracts pupil
Narcotic Produces stupor or unconsciousness
Nervine Reduces nervous excitement
Oxytocic See ecbolic
Parasiticide Kills parasites
Pectoral Is good for diseases of chest
Protective Protects injured parts
Pulmonary Sedative Lessens irritability of respiratory nerves
Purgative Activates peristalsis
Pustulant Causes pustules
Refrigerant Allays thirst; cools
Resolvent Promotes resolution of disease
Respiratory Depressant Lowers function of respiratory center
Respiratory Stimulant Increases function of respiratory center
Restorative Restores strength and vitality
Rubefacient Causes temporary skin redness
Sedative Lessens higher brain functions but initially excites
Sialagogue Promotes secretion of saliva
Soporific Produces deep sleep
Spinant See motor excitant
Sternutatory Causes sneezing
Stimulant Increases functional activity of brain
Stomachic Acts as gastric stimulant
Styptic Arrests hemorrhage
Sudorific Causes profuse perspiration
Tenifuge Expels tapeworms
Tonic Produces and restores normal tissue tone
Vermifuge Expels intestinal worms
Vesicant Causes inflammation of skin, blisters
Vulnerary Promotes healing of wounds

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