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Traditional Presented at First World Conference Applied Clinical Research A comparative clinical study of viral infective hepatitis. Response of cupping in Wajaul Mafasii. A clinical trial of Unani medicines in preeclampsia. Management of infantile diarrhoea through Unani oral rehydration fluids. A double blind clinical trial of ITA1 & ITA2 in radiologically confirmed chronic Inflammation of paranasal sinuses (sinusitis). A clinical trial of Unani drugs in duodenal ulcer. Clinical trials of Unani medicines In the cases of Nawaseeri Miqad (fistula in ano). Mosquito repellent activity from the extract of Vitex spp. Actions of extracts of Nutmeg, as anti-diarrhoeal. Protective effect of the aqueous extract of Sarphoka (Tephrosea pupurea Linn.) seeds against experimentally induced liver injury. Chemical analysis and pharmacological studies of some Unani medicinal plants. Effect of coded drugs NF1+NFL2 in Nare Farsi (eczema) cases Q preliminary clinical approach . Pharmacologically active organic compounds of animal origin: An overview. The pharmacognosy of mangrove plants used in the system of Unani medicine. Ultramorphology in authentication of traditional herbal drugs. A comparative pharmacognosy of Gui Khairoa Unani drug. Effect of DF12 on Daul Feel (Filariasis). Efficacy of Unani coded drugs S1 + Q5 in the cases of Infantile diarrhoea. Drugs NF1 +NFL2 VS. NF1 +NFL3 in the treatment of different clinical types of dermatites. Some pharmacological investigations on Kadarpaiat (Argyreia speciosa Sweet). Anti-inflammatory and other activities of Veerasingam pattai (Zanthoxylum tetraspermum Wight & Arw.)a folklore drug. Vetctvi (Xova coccinea Linn.) A preliminary pharmacological study of two varieties. Pharmacological aspects of Kuttukar Chamanatti (Indigofera oblongifolia Forsk) Siddha Medicine. Preliminary pharmacological aspects of Neelarnpari (Ecbolium linneanum Kurz) a traditional drug. Chemical pollution and natural (herbal) cosmetics. The protective efficacy of Unani drug Solanum nigrum In structural and functional restoration of experimental hepatic injury. Preliminary standardization of Habb type of Unani drugs. Standardization of Marahim (ointments). Evaluation of physicochemical standards for Unani formulation with reference to Laooqe Hulba. Unani pharmaceutics and prospects. Chemical standardization of Ankumah (Achyranthus aspera Linn.). Standardization concept and Its application to Unani medicine. Response of galactagogue drugs of Unani medicine In the cases of oligogalactia Agrotechnique and agroeconomics of Bhoi Aunla. Further studies with Neeli (Indigofera tinctoria Linn.). Acquired Immune Deficiency. Smooth muscle action of some carminatives. Overview of viral hepatitis and Unani management. Clinical evaluation of Unani drug IKH4 and Its comparison with IKH1 & IKH9 in a pilot study in infective hepatitis. Comparative evaluation of Unani and Ayurvedic drugs in viral hepatitis. Therapeutic response of HE2 In Plasmodium falcfparum positive cases of malaria. Unani coctives (Munzij) and purgatives (Mushil): Action and effects in clinical trials and experimental studies. The use of Tibbi concepts and medicines In the treatment of psychosomatic conditions with particular reference to stress and depression. Humors & temperaments: Interpretation on modem laboratory parameters. Observations on the immunoglobulin levels IgG complement C3, rheumatoid factor titre, Creactive proteins and other laboratory parameters in patients of chronic rheumatoid arthritis being treated with WM3 (a coded Unani drug). Comparative clinical evaluation of the effectiveness and tolerability of a new Unani oral hypoglycemic agent Kushta Hartai Tabaql & chlorpropamide in the treatment of maturity onset diabetes mellitus. Therapeutic response of Unani formulae WM3 + Teekor In seropositive Wajaul Mafasil cases. A comparative study of therapeutic efficacy of two Unani formulations NRl+NR2 and NR3+NRL4 In the cases of Irqe Madani (Dracontiasis). A clinical profile of 260 cases of Deedane Ama (Helminthiasis). Daul Feel (Filariasis): A collaborative study. WM3 WM4+WML5 therapy In rheumatoid arthritis: A clinical study. Treatment of chronic sinusitis with Unani drugs: A comparative study with other different formulations. Clinical trial of coded drug ZN6 In cases of bronchial asthma. Therapeutic response of coded Unani drug DF8 In Daul Feel. Wajaui Mafasil Therapeutic effects of drugs WM3, WM4 + WML5. Traditional medicine in the treatment of duodenal ulcer. Isolation of chrysoeriol 7o, Dglucopyranosidyl, Dapiofuranosides from Dalbergia uolubilis, studies on its field desorption mass spectrum and anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic activity. Study of 200 cases of bronchial asthma by homeopathic treatment. Some findings with Siva Karanathai (Sphaeranthus amaranthoides Burm. F.), an ancient Tamil drug. Encouraging results of coded Unani research drugs IA1+SC in infantile diarrhoea.
Current dermatological remedies with roots in Unani Medicine. Efficacy of Unani drugs In leucoderma and leucodermotrichia: A comparative study. A double blind trial of BS9+BS10: Clinical and laboratory evaluation in Bars. A study of W.R., VDRL & blood group in leucoderma patients. Response of drug BS4+BSL5 in chemically induced leucoderma. Segmental vitiligo and its treatment in Unani system of medicine. Effect of Aatrilal (Ammi majus Linn.) on different colors of vitiligenous lesion with relation to age and chronocity. Toxicological studies of Unani formulae In the treatment of Bars (vitiligo). Reappearance of pigmented melanocytes In leucoderma patches after Unani treatment: A cytological evidence. Cell mediated immune response in vitiligo